New Beginnings

That nothing is static or fixed, that all is fleeting and impermanent, is the first mark of existence. It is the ordinary state of affairs. Everything is in process. Everything—every tree, every blade of grass, all the animals, insects, human beings, buildings, the animate and the inanimate—is always changing, moment to moment.”   Pema Chodron

I thought this quote and the picture of a beautiful Galway Hooker sailing past me at the regatta in Cashel, Connemara in July on one of the few lovely evenings in Connemara were fitting starts to the launch of my new website.

The process of letting go of and transforming to has certainly taught me firsthand that “everything is in process”.

This feels like the first step into some new way of being within the 5 Rhythms® for me as a teacher. As with all beginnings I am not sure where it will lead and I am weaving (or sailing) back and forth from excitement to fear. Thankfully the Rhythms have taught me how to navigate between those two feelings, in order to find moments of dry land on which to reflect on how well my old website served me and to trust this new adventure will serve the start of something new.

I am very grateful to Sinead Mannion who designed and updated with such a great heart and has become one of my treasured friends. Liz Gleeson has been the match that helped me light the spark of courage to make the change, thank you. Caroline Herriott whom I met for the first time designed the site and working with her has been a sheer delight. Gail Ramsey is the support behind my attempts at Face book and will continue to be so which I am grateful as she has learned just what a technophobe I am….

Finally thank you to all of you who agreed to let me use the photos of your great dances and the beautiful collages with your testimonials.

Gratitude is definitely the true name behind

As I said this is a work in progress and we will be adding interesting pieces over the next few months so I hope you enjoy browsing through the website as much as I did putting it together.

“Everything flows and nothing abides,
 everything gives way and nothing stays fixed.” ~Heraclitus~
