The journey of the heart…….

Images from installations on Heartbeat Ongoing 2009

It is almost time to begin the Heartbeat Ongoing Group in Connemara.  As I was preparing, planning  and reflecting on the previous group I received this email from Gail who was a participant  and I loved all the images she evoked through this piece of writing. She has given me permission to share these with you. Some of you may have similar memories and maybe any of you who have wondered about  participating on a committed ongoing group-this may whet your appetite for one in the future 🙂


Sofa chats by the roaring fire
Stealing(I mean borrowing) rose’s cuddly toys and artifacts for the altar-usually for the shadow days 🙂
Cosy comfy dozes in the den in the dancing room
Finding the courage to Reaching out and that reach being met
Finding a beach to myself on Omey island and dancing like no one was watching, then realising someone was watching and that was ok
Making Mary green tea
A wee pint and Stuart making us free chips
Thinking I could hold it altogether until at least chaos and blubbering through flowing
Finding a way to move shame
A wee dander to the lake for a paddle
Super safri chaos circles
Seaweed bath in lenanne
Dreading going as I wasn’t in the ‘right’ place and turning up and realising I was welcome as I was
Breakfast laughter
Late night swims
Cartwheels on the beach
Caitriona’s safe, solid and nurturing presence
Learning that anger had outward shapes
Feeling I belonged for the 1st time ever
Lying on the floor under the window in the dance room and watching the clouds dance by
On the journey there stopping and crying as the mountains were so lovely
how our waves came at just the right time
Caitriona giving me access to her music and having the room to dance like I did when I was younger and it not be a competition
The lovely circle in where we remembered those we had lost Margot encouraging me to wear my dancing skirt
Face painting for lyrical
Connections that are still in my heart
And so much more....” Gail Ramsay

And on to the next journey of the heart…………..

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